Clive Gordon in a Office

Masking and Facial Covering

在任何一所大学或地区设施中,都不再强制要求员工在室内戴口罩, students or visitors.

Effective June 12, 2022, Board Policy 2800 was rescinded. LACCD将遵循现行的LACCD卫生命令,即室内遮蔽 highly recommended, but not required.


LACCD Vaccination & Testing Requirements

洛杉矶社区学院学区董事会做出了重大决定 Board Policy change about COVID-19 vaccine and testing requirements for employees and students.

On May 4, 2022, an update to Board Policy 2900 已获校董会批准,取消了学生接种疫苗的规定. All continuing and new students will not 必须提供疫苗接种证明或已获批准的豁免文件,才能注册课程或使用学院或地区设施. 对豁免接种疫苗的学生也不再需要每周进行COVID检测.

Effective June 30, 2022, Cleared4 accounts for students are deactivated. 上传至cleard4的所有疫苗接种记录已被转移到安全的, confidential District database. 学生不再需要完成日常健康检查问题,也不需要出示进入学院或地区设施的入场证.

Effective July 1, 2022, student vaccination requirement being rescinded 由委员会和学生不再被要求完成每日健康检查的问题.

Board Policy 2900 要求雇员提供充分接种疫苗的证明,作为就业条件或有批准的豁免文件. 完全接种疫苗现在的定义是完成了最初的一剂或两剂疫苗接种. Boosters are not required, but highly recommended, per LACDPH.

每周检测仍然是员工的一项要求,批准豁免最初的疫苗接种剂量. 对于获得仅限增强剂豁免的员工,不再需要每周进行测试.

Effective January 1, 2023, 是否将建立新机制收集COVID-19疫苗接种证明并对豁免员工进行每周检测. 这一变化意味着LACCD将不再使用Biocept的测试服务和clear -4作为平台. Read more about the 为获得批准豁免的人提供疫苗接种和检测证明的新变化

Where to Get Vaccinated

LAVC正在与Fulgent Genetics合作,为LAVC的学生、员工和公众举办COVID-19疫苗接种诊所. 辉瑞(12岁以上)、Moderna(18岁以上)和辉瑞儿科(5岁以上)疫苗可供选择. In addition, it now offering the third dose or booster for those who are eligible.

Walk-ups are welcome, or you can make an appointment. Learn what to bring with you. Or you can find a vaccination site near you.

COVID-19 Vaccine Pop-Up Clinic
Date/Time: Tuesday, March 14, 2023; 12 p.m.-6 p.m.
Location: LAVC Parking Lot A

If you have any questions about these clinics, please call 818-947-2600 or email

Walk-ups are welcome, and appointments are not required. 预先登记总是被鼓励的,因为它可以最大限度地减少病人的等待时间, but not required. Learn what to bring with you to your appointment.

Make an appointment or pre-register or scan the QR code below:


Fulgent Genetics Appointment QR Code


Please remember to bring the following with you:

  • Photo ID or other forms of identification
  • Persons under the age of 18 will need to have a parent or guardian present
  • Examples of proof of age for ages 12-17:
    • Driver’s license or permit (foreign country or expired ID accepted)
    • California ID card or REAL ID (from the DMV)
    • Consular ID (Matricula Consular)
    • Medicare card
    • Membership card (foreign country okay if is written in English)
    • Passport (foreign country or expired accepted)
    • Birth certificate
    • 医疗机构、诊所或医生提供的医疗文件/记录(包括免疫接种记录)
    • 任何官方文件,包括姓名和出生日期(例如学校记录)

If you recieving your third or fourth dose or booster shot:

  • Proof of vaccination is required.
  • Bring your vaccination record card with you.

欲了解更多信息或寻找您附近的疫苗接种诊所,请联系 Los Angeles County of Public Health.

一些COVID-19疫苗接种者可能有资格接种一种或多数强化疫苗. Please check the U.S. Center of Disease Control for the latest booster eligibility requirements.

Make an appointment and learn what to bring with you to your appointment.

If you are unable to come to our on-site vaccination clinics, you can find a vaccination site in Los Angeles County by checking the LA County Department of Public Health's How to Get Vaccinated.

Employee Vaccination Process

Effective January 1, 2023, 洛杉矶社区学院区(“LACCD”)将建立一个新机制,收集COVID-19疫苗接种证明,并对豁免的员工进行每周检测. 这一变化意味着LACCD将不再使用Biocept的测试服务和clear -4作为平台.  Board Policy 2900 -SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19)疫苗接种和检测要求仍将作为就业条件的要求. 唯一的变化是提供疫苗接种证明的平台和获得批准豁免的测试机制. 

The new process will be as follows:

新员工是指成功完成招聘流程并接受LACCD提供的工作机会的人.  As a part of the Entry Services Onboarding Process, new employees will be required to submit proof of vaccination to @email.  Upon submission, HR COVID将通知ESC入职服务或校园学院人事办公室新员工是否符合BP 2900.

现有/当前员工是指有任务和/或被认为处于活跃状态的员工.  已经将疫苗接种证明上传到clear -4平台的现有员工已符合BP 2900,无需做任何操作. 

豁免接种疫苗的现有员工是指那些在SAP中填写豁免申请表并因医疗或宗教原因获得豁免接种疫苗批准的员工. 豁免员工每周检测的要求仍然有效. 这个过程中唯一的变化是Biocept将不再提供测试. 

获得豁免的雇员将继续被要求每周进行检测,并可以进行抗原检测. 获得豁免的员工不需要报告每周的检测结果,除非检测结果呈阳性.

任何收到COVID-19测试阳性结果的员工必须在收到阳性检测结果通知后立即通知其校园安全官员(或ESC员工的HR COVID). 

抗原测试可要求从LAVC抗原测试分发地点在LAVC工作人员服务办公室 ACA 1701.

All other COVID related practices will remain in place until further notice.  Thank you for your cooperation and should you have questions, please contact your Campus Safety Officer. 

LAVC’s Campus Safety Officer is Maribeth Armant at @email and Tanya Sirkin at @email.

How to Get Tested

Covid-19 at-home rapid antigen testing kits are now available on campus. Students and employees can get up to two kits per person, per week, until supplies last, with student or employee ID.

The following is the antigen home test kits distribution schedule:

Spring 2023 Hours (February 6-June 5)

Date(s) Hours Location
Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. Staff Services – ACA 1701
Friday 8 a.m. – 12 p.m. Staff Services – ACA 1701

Any questions regarding the distribution can be directed to 818-947-2336 or email LAVC Administrative Services.